The magazine WirtschaftsWoche has has recognized Raue as TOP LAW FIRM 2023 for energy law. Raue Partner Christian von Hammerstein was recommended as TOP LAWYER 2023 for energy law (WirtschaftsWoche 36 of 1 November 2023).
Raue’s energy and climate change practice is one of the leading in Germany. All of the lawyers in this area have an in-depth understanding of the energy markets and of the relevant technological developments. They are also among the most renowned German law teams in the field of climate change law and emissions trading. The team assists enterprises, trade associations, ministries, and government authorities on structuring the regulatory framework for the energy markets and advises on all aspects of energy and antitrust law, commercial and corporate law, public procurement law and public law.
The Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) interviewed more than 1900 lawyers from 156 law firms. The professionals were asked to name the most renowned law firms and lawyers in the fields of energy and public procurement law as well as environmental and planning law. Subsequently, a jury of experts reviewed and analysed the lawyers listed and filtered out the recommended lawyers.
Click here for the WiWo ranking 2023 in energy and public procurement law as well as environmental and planning law (in German)
(1 September 2023)