The business law firm Raue awards the Peter Raue Prize 2023 to apropolis, an organisation active throughout Germany. The Peter Raue Prize, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, supports individuals or institutions that are exemplary in their social, civic or cultural commitment and use the prize money for this commitment.
“The firm honours apropolis for its civic, social and educational commitment to young people,” explains Dr. Wolfram Hertel, managing partner at Raue. Our democracy is increasingly at risk at a time when populists are challenging our democratic institutions and confidence in the ability of politicians is rapidly dwindling. Apropolis is doing something about it. The young generation is inspired and empowered for democracy, participation and engagement. Apropolis offers young people a forum, the space and the tools to develop into strong personalities which advocate for the ideals of democratic coexistence. “In this way, apropolis reflects in an ideal way the promotional ideas of the Peter Raue Prize,” adds Dr Hertel.
The Peter Raue Prize expresses the firm’s commitment to the values of its namesake partner Peter Raue. The award honours Peter Raue’s outstanding and exemplary work as a citizen of the city of Berlin, as a lawyer and as a patron of the arts and the common good. Last year’s winner of the Peter Raue Prize was Netzwerk Chancen, an initiative for social commitment and social diversity in professional life.
The partners select the annual winner from three candidates. A five-member Peter Raue Prize Committee, made up of a cross-section of the firm’s staff, is responsible for the pre-selection process. Members of the firm as well as external individuals and institutions were able to nominate candidates for the Peter Raue Prize.
The Peter Raue Prize 2023 will be awarded to apropolis‘ team in our offices on 10 November 2023. Representatives of the press are cordially invited. Please register with our marketing team.
For more information about the Peter Raue Prize click here.
(20 October 2023)