Raue LLP has successfully represented the news portal Buzzfeed at the Düsseldorf Regional Court. The activist Yannic Hendricks had applied for a temporary injunction because Buzzfeed had reported on his actions in the public debate about the ban on advertising for abortion and had reported about him using his full name. The Düsseldorf Regional Court considers this to be admissible and has rejected the motion for a decision.
In the past three years, Yannic Hendricks has reported a large number of gynaecologists who, in his opinion, have violated the ban on advertising abortion services according to § 219a StGB (Penal Code). He also expressed his opinion in interviews, but on the condition that his name was not mentioned and that he was instead quoted under a pseudonym. After these publications other participants of the public debate have uncovered the name of Yannic Hendricks. Yannic Hendricks has taken action against this with civil lawsuits, referring to his right to anonymity.
Buzzfeed has reported on these complaints in an identifying manner. Buzzfeed argued that anyone who helps to shape the public opinion struggle with a multitude of criminal charges against doctors and their own interview statements has to accept that they are named in the media. The Düsseldorf Regional Court followed suit and decided that the plaintiff has no claim to remain unknown. Buzzfeed is allowed to mention the name of Yannic Hendricks.
(Judgment of 16 January 2019, file no. 12 O 282/18)
(17 January 2019)