Raue advised Elysium Solar GmbH in negotiations with CommerzReal and its impact fund Klimavest regarding an agri-photovoltaic project developed by Elyisum near Berlin.
Located near Berlin, the solar park project development with agricultural use is scheduled to start operations in 2025 and reach a nominal output of approximately 50 megawatts. This will be able to supply around 19,000 households per year with green electricity. Agri- photovoltaic (PV) is a key technology at the interface between agriculture and renewable energy supply. The concept of Agri-PV allows the dual use of agricultural land in combination with photovoltaic systems. On the one hand, solar modules mounted on stands capture the sunlight, and on the other, grain, fruit or vegetables are grown underneath or in between.
With this financing, Commerz Real is bringing a large-scale Agri-PV project in Germany to the capital market for the first time and making it accessible to private investors. As part of a development cooperation, Elysium Solar and Commerz Real have agreed on a financing partnership for further Agri-PV parks.
Raue is also advising Elysium Solar on this Agri-PV project in the areas of corporate law, financing, real estate law, construction and planning law, plant engineering, energy law.
About Elysium Solar
Berlin-based Elysium Solar is a joint venture of the consulting firms EIC Partners from Switzerland and LBD-Beratungsgesellschaft from Berlin, which specialize in the energy market. The company develops and supports agri-photovoltaic projects with cooperation partners from research and development.
(12 May 2023)